Industrial silencers are devices that are used to reduce the noise generated by equipment and machinery in industrial settings. There are several types of industrial silencers, including:
- Vent silencers
- Reactive silencers
- Absorptive silencers
- Combination silencers
Vent silencers: Reduce the noise generated by the release of gases or steam from a pressure relief valve or safety valve. These silencers are typically installed on the outlet of the valve and consist of a series of baffles or diffusers that help to dissipate and deflect the noise generated by the escaping gas or steam.
Reactive silencers: Reduce the noise in frequency range of 200 to 2000Hz. Reactive elements, such as expansion chambers that obligated to reflect and cancel out sound waves.
Absorptive silencers: Reduce the noise in frequency range of 500 to 8,000 Hz. Sound-absorbing materials, such as fiberglass or mineral wool, are used in these silencers to dampen and absorb sound waves.
Combination silencers: Features of combination of reactive elements and sound-absorbing materials are used in these silencers to reduce both low-frequency and high-frequency noise (200 to 8000 Hz).